Kwok One guest appearance as Asian Crook

Kwok One guest appearance as Asian Crook in popular Television series Flikken Maastricht S8 Ep 2
Kwok One trailer

Fun short movie Fist of Fury starring Kwok One. The trailer film “Fist of Fury” was made by my friends and asian actor collegues as a gift / memoires on the many adventures we have had in the past few years. Media material from the last two years were compilated into a short trailer film […]
Practicing acting in front of the mirror will hurt your acting performance

When I started my career as an Asian Chinese actor in the Netherlands, I used to rehearse in front of a mirror. I would spend hours acting in front of a mirror and would feel confident in my skills. But when I had an audition for an acting gig I had to face the camera, […]
Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent doesn’t work Hard: 5 Tips to Keep you Motivated As an Actor

Hard work is the key to a successful acting career, any other endeavour for that matter. We all want to work hard and become great actors, but sometimes we don’t feel like putting in that effort. If that’s the case, then we need some techniques to keep us motivated and working hard. Here are tips […]