A river cuts through Rock, not because of Power, but Persistence

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Whenever you try to make something happen, many roadblocks and many difficulties will come in your path. Successful Actors know that these challenges have to be overcome to reach the final goal they have set.

Along the way, at many times, I felt like giving up my acting career. What I’ve learned is that here, at these difficult moments, persistence plays a key role. And being rejected at auditions for 100 times is not rejection at all. I’ve come to realise I was given the opportunity to share my art for 100 times, and without the 100 auditions I might haven’t practiced so much as for practice makes perfect.

To my fellow actors , don’t lose heart, be persistent, and continue to improve yourself. Persistence pays; here are five reasons why you should never give up.

All Great Actors Failed:

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Failure can be considered the ladder to success. The actors that you see on top of their acting field have failed at one point or another. If failing at some audition or some role makes you feel bad, then chin up and be persistent until you find the role that fits you perfectly. Remember never a failure, always a lesson.

To be successful, you have to learn from your mistakes, the reasons you failed. But ahead of failure lies success waiting for those who are persistent enough. For hard work always beats talent if talent doesn’t work hard.

Easy Results are Usually Not Worth It:

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A significant advantage of being persistent is that you don’t always have to settle for less. Leave your comfort zone, try something new, and hit your goals.

If you think anything that takes more than one try is complicated stuff, then you must toughen up. The multiple award-winning actor Mark Ruffalo was rejected 600 times at auditions before hitting his stride.

If it was easy everyone would have gotten the part right ?

Persistence Equals More Knowledge Gained

Accumulating much knowledge and becoming an expert in the acting field is only possible if you are persistent. Now that you have chosen an acting career for yourself, you must continuously learn new things about it and use your knowledge.

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If you give up halfway, you will leave countless opportunities to gain new knowledge that nobody else can provide you. Only by persistent practice and understanding can you grow as an actor and develop your acting skills.

Only Persistence Will Make You a Great Actor:

According to research done by Malcolm Gladwell, an eminent journalist, it takes at least 10,000 hours for us to become an expert in any field.

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Whether playing the piano, writing code or acting, you have to perfect your art. By being persistent, you will eventually achieve your goals. Harnessing the power of being persistent helps you achieve your goals more.

Acting Needs Persistence:

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Many actors want to assess whether you are persistent enough or not. Directors might want to see your resilience and how you respond to rejection. By being persistent, you can achieve success in the world of showbiz.

It is a quality that is worth grooming, and it pays rich rewards. Whenever you feel down, remind yourself to be more persistent.

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